Shivoham Institute

Secrets of Cosmic and Human Tantric energy design

top view of paper figure in form of person with chakras in lotus pose, aroma sticks and colorful

Unmanifested/Manifested awareness: Secrets of Cosmic and Human Tantric energy design Tantric Sanjeevani Kundalini Kriya Practice transforms the manifested awareness into unmanifested pure consciousness. In Tantric version of Hatha Yoga practice all the last six steps of Patanjali (Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi are practiced in every asana) need to be properly integrated by […]

The Bio-Alchemy of Spiritual Transformation

Mental health care, positive thinking, wellness. Woman in bed, practicing stress relief challenge

Transformation of the self is the key to personal happiness and spiritual evolution. Spiritual Bio-Alchemy is a process that uses your mind, heart, body, and soul to work with the deepest essence of the purpose of your life on earth, to manifest the life that you’re truly longing for. As plants grow toward the sun’s […]

Seven Dhatus (tissues) in Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda Back Massage

There are seven (sapta) primary dhatus: rasa (plasma tissue, lymph), rakta (blood, red blood cells), mamsa (muscle), meda (adipose tissue, fat), asthi (bone & cartilage), majja (nerve, marrow, connective tissue), and shukra/artava (male & female reproductive system). During the process of digestion each dhatu nourishes with nutrition to carry our physiological tasks in the body; […]

Soham Practice

Ajapa-japa The soham sound can be used as a means of developing awareness. This practice of spontaneous repetition (ajapa-japa) is very effective in controlling the mind. In Buddhism this technique is known as the mindfulness breathing (anapanassati vipassanna). This sound is always with us and remain constant during all states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and […]

Soham, “I am That”

Woman holding mala beads in hand. Counting beads and reading mantra

Soham or Sohum (सो ऽहम् so ‘ham or so ‘Hum) meaning “I am He/That” It means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. Breathing both physical and subtle, is made up of inspiration and expiration. The air that is driven out of lungs during expiration makes the sound HAM and the inhaled air during […]

How to be Young Forever

Role of Stress, Digestive Fire, Ojas and Tejas What Are Ojas and Tejas? According to Ayurveda, ojas (pronounced oh-jus) is the vital sap that gives us vitality, resilience, and strong immunity. It also promotes creativity, mental clarity, compassion, and spiritual strength. In our youth, ojas is plentiful, giving us energy and vibrancy. As we age […]

Maha Banda

Tantric Tattwa Kriya to transmute elements creating inner cosmic space The Maha Bandha or Great Lock combines all three Bandhas into one comprehensive exercise. The Maha Bandha should only be attempted once you have mastered the Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, and Mula Bandha individually. This Bandha is performed in the Lotus Pose. While sitting in […]

The Prashna Upanishad

Prana (The breath of life) Prana burns as Fire; he shines as the Sun; He rains as the Cloud; He blows as the Winds; He crashes as the thunder in the Sky; He is the Earth; he has form and no form; Prana is immortality Prashana Upanishad offers a scientific explanation of self and how […]