Advanced Kundalini Awakening Course Goa, India

7 – day silent retreat

For Awakened Minds

Advanced Kundalini Awakening

Advanced training for Awakened Minds

This course will encompass ancient methods not covered in typical yoga training courses. It will be a very practical course, focused on experience above theory. An informal and friendly conversation will be required before joining to ensure this is right time and path for you.

Who is the Kundalini Awakening Course For?

We are seeking aspirants who are ready to use the methods for bringing true bliss and harmony into their lives. A small group of people will be selected to come together as group for one week to receive the teachings.

Each student will receive a personal consultation at the start of the week and develop their own programme for personal practice. They will then receive continuous guidance as the week progresses, with the possibility of a 3-hour private session per month for 6 months to a year.

This opportunity is right for true seekers of spiritual growth who are able to commit time to regular personal practice and have a foundational level of relevant experience, for example, yoga teachers or experienced yoga practitioners, energy workers or healers, meditators or shaman, etc.

1 – 7 March 2024 – Goa, India

What is included:

What is not included:


Early Bird

till 31st December


Normal Fee


Some of the topics covered in the training

What is Tantra?


IMPORTANT things to consider before signing up

TTP group1

The Location

You will be lodged in a villa in South Goa, not far from the Beach. You will have a room that you share or can be upgraded to single.

Course Content

How the physical postures should be performed and sequenced. Includes variations you can give to students who may need easier progressions into the full posture. We will also cover how and when to adjust a students form.

How the body works and how yoga can enhance the various system within it e.g. muscular, skeletal, respiratory, endocrine etc. You will be able to explain the all the benefits yoga can bring to the body, mind and soul.

This energy system is a central concept that is shared throughout eastern approaches to health and well being . We think everyone interested in yoga needs to understand the  critical difference between the tantric and classical yoga approaches to understanding,  balancing and optimising  the chakras.

Often only covered in a mystical sense in standard teacher trainings course, we will explain what it is, how it can be safely activated and what to do with it.

Kriya is translated as “action” and is used in several different contexts in yoga. The Kriya’s you will learn are a series of seated exercises that will activate energy channels in the body. With only a short amount of regular practice you can experience the life changing effects of these ancient and incredibly powerful methods that will bring the theoretical concepts of the chakra system to life by making it something you have physically experienced for yourself.

Your breath is the link between body and mind. The benefits of regular pranayama exercise cannot be understated. The tantric methods have subtle but very important differences to those taught in a classical yoga approach. You will learn advanced methods for your own personal practice and basic methods suitable for using in a class or workshop.

The pinnacle of all yoga practice, meditation is so simple, yet so challenging. Fortunately there are techniques in both the classical yoga and tantric schools that you can use to rapidly accelerate your own progress and when leading group meditation sessions.

Exploring the yogic concepts of the universe, our existence in it and most importantly, how to create a life of love and fulfilment. Introductions will be given to key classical texts such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s, and lesser known but equally important tantric volumes. This will include the 8 limbs of yoga and the 5 kosha’s.