
Restorative Yoga

Yoga Nidra

Breathing (pranayama)

Online and Offline

Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Breathing for Complete Rejuvenation and Balance

In-person and online

29 September Sunday 4.00 - 6.00pm

Birmingham Buddhist Centre and Online (live-streamed if you can’t make it in person)
11 Park Road, Birmingham, Moseley B138AB

Online workshop dates

Come together to relax under the Sturgeon Full Moon.

Have a nice relaxing flow of Yin Poses, and rest under the Full Moon to relax.

Our Yoga Nidra will focus on the Letting Go

After our Harvest Full Moon, we will be having a more challenging hip-opening sequence to target those tight areas, getting ready for the Autumn.

Our Yoga Nidra will focus on the Sacral Chakra

After the Harvest Full Moon, we will be focusing on the chest area and in our Yoga Nidra we will focus on the Heart Chakra

We just had our Beaver Full Moon. 

We are now starting to feel the darkness around us, and we are not trying to get away from it, but rather delve into it.

We will be focusing on legs and feet in today’s yin practice. Yoga nidra will focus on the Root Chakra


Welcome to our comprehensive program dedicated to complete rejuvenation and balance through the transformative practices of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and mindful breathing. In today’s fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to find moments of stillness and tranquility. Our program is designed to help you tap into deep relaxation, inner peace, and holistic well-being.

Why Rejuvenation and Balance are Essential

In our daily lives, we are constantly bombarded with stressors that can drain our energy, disrupt our mental clarity, and imbalance our emotional state. This can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and a host of other health issues. Taking the time to rejuvenate and restore balance is crucial for maintaining a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. Our workshop offers the perfect blend of practices to help you achieve this state of harmony and vitality.

What We Offer

Our program is a carefully curated blend of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and mindful breathing techniques, designed to provide you with the ultimate rejuvenation experience.

Each practice complements the others, creating a holistic approach to wellness.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a gentle, passive form of yoga that focuses on deep relaxation and healing. By using props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks, the body is fully supported in each pose, allowing you to release deeply held tension and stress. The benefits of Restorative Yoga include:

  • Deep Relaxation: The extended holds in each pose allow the body and mind to enter a state of deep relaxation.
  • Stress Reduction: By calming the nervous system, Restorative Yoga helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Gentle stretching helps to increase flexibility without straining the muscles.
  • Improved Sleep: The deep relaxation achieved through Restorative Yoga can lead to better sleep quality.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as “yogic sleep,” is a powerful meditation technique that induces deep relaxation and healing. It involves lying in a comfortable position and being guided through a series of steps that help you enter a state of conscious relaxation. The benefits of Yoga Nidra include:

  • Profound Relaxation: Yoga Nidra helps to calm the mind and release deep-seated stress and tension.
  • Mental Clarity: The practice promotes mental clarity and focus by quieting the mind.
  • Emotional Healing: Yoga Nidra can help to process and release emotional blockages.
  • Improved Health: By reducing stress, Yoga Nidra can improve overall health and well-being.

Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing techniques, or pranayama, are integral to achieving complete rejuvenation and balance. These techniques focus on controlling the breath to enhance the flow of prana, or life force energy, throughout the body. The benefits of mindful breathing include:

  • Stress Reduction: Controlled breathing helps to calm the nervous system and reduce stress.
  • Increased Energy: By enhancing the flow of prana, mindful breathing can increase energy levels and vitality.
  • Improved Focus: Breathing exercises help to improve concentration and mental clarity.
  • Emotional Balance: Mindful breathing can help to regulate emotions and promote a sense of inner peace.

The Perfect Blend for Holistic Well-being

By combining Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and mindful breathing, our program offers a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your being. Each practice supports and enhances the others, creating a synergistic effect that promotes deep relaxation, healing, and rejuvenation.

What to Expect

When you join our program, you can expect:

  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced instructors will guide you through each practice, ensuring that you receive the maximum benefit.
  • Personalized Experience: We cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners, and offer modifications to suit your individual needs.
  • Tranquil Environment: Our serene and peaceful setting provides the perfect backdrop for your journey to rejuvenation and balance.
  • Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals who are also on their path to wellness and balance.


Join Us for Complete Rejuvenation and Balance

We invite you to embark on this journey of complete rejuvenation and balance with us. Our program is designed to help you tap into your inner resources for healing and well-being, providing you with the tools you need to navigate life with greater ease and joy.

Experience the profound benefits of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and mindful breathing, and return to your life with renewed energy, clarity, and a deeper sense of peace.

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