Mental health care, positive thinking, wellness. Woman in bed, practicing stress relief challenge

The Bio-Alchemy of Spiritual Transformation

Transformation of the self is the key to personal happiness and spiritual evolution. Spiritual Bio-Alchemy is a process that uses your mind, heart, body, and soul to work with the deepest essence of the purpose of your life on earth, to manifest the life that you’re truly longing for.

As plants grow toward the sun’s light, so too do our souls reach up toward the light of pure unmanifested consciousness through Yogic Self enquiry. 

At first our inner growth may seem slow and hesitant, but gradually, as the yearning in our heart grows stronger, our journey towards the light gains momentum. 

The magnetism of manifested bliss awareness within us becomes such a powerful force helping us to the goal of Self-realization becoming one with the source, the unmanifested cosmic consciousness.

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