top view of paper figure in form of person with chakras in lotus pose, aroma sticks and colorful

Secrets of Cosmic and Human Tantric energy design

Unmanifested/Manifested awareness: Secrets of Cosmic and Human Tantric energy design

Tantric Sanjeevani Kundalini Kriya Practice transforms the manifested awareness into unmanifested pure consciousness.

In Tantric version of Hatha Yoga practice all the last six steps of Patanjali (Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi are practiced in every asana) need to be properly integrated by merging the physical self (3rd Chakra) into the divine self (6th Chakra) leading to the state of Samadhi through five Koshas divine journey. You can experience the different energy and consciousness states (Basic, Love, Divine and Cosmic) through Sanjeevani Kriya practice (expansion, transformation and liberation) using the five Pranas, Mahabandhas and 5 levels of mind potential (unaware, aware, positive, laser and cosmic).

We cannot afford to energize negative energy by focusing on a negative situation or a problem. The negative situation needs to be overcome in the initial stages of attack before it triggers a sickness in the body. If the negative situation is allowed to take root in the mind or body, it would continue to make us feel negative on a regular basis, thus, ensuring that we cannot be happy, however hard we may try externally to be.

When we tell ourselves that the problem will pass, we need to internally imagine feeling that the problem is already over. During pain, we have to shift our mental focus away from the pain to its opposite feeling. Pain creates negative hormones in the body. To heal the pain, we have to energize the reduction of negative hormones and increase of positive hormones in the body.

We create positive hormones in our body, by focusing on how we would feel when we are happy again. Energies multiply through focus be on reality or imagination. When our external realty is negative, we need to internally focus on being positive through using imagination. Through using will power to mobilize positive energy flow, we need to shift our mind away from the problem or pain. Hence, instead of feeling negative, we can choose to imagine being as healthy or happy again, as we were before the pain.

We evolve to a higher soul frequency by being optimistic after an encounter with negativity Happiness comes from the soul’s vibrations of feeling positive. When our soul feels happy, we become automatically healthier in our body.

In case of physical pain, you can imagine that the chakras connected to the organ of the body affected are being activated by your focus. The chakra gets cleansed and activated by you seeing each chakra lighted up and rotating freely without blockages. The chakras need to be mentally rotated in a direction which smoothens the pain. For example, in case of lower back pain, the root chakra and navel/sacral chakra have to be cleared and activated, whereas in case of throat pain, the throat chakra and third eye chakra have to be energized by activating life force within.

The third eye chakra when activated looks like a flame lighted up, burning with high intensity. Feel your pain situation getting dissolved in imagination, as you mentally radiate blue light and power from your chakra centres. Blue light taken in from the sky gives the feeling of peace and calm to all parts of the body which are in agitation and helps generate sleep, which heals. All physical pain has emotional learning attached which helps the soul evolve. For example, activating the root chakra helps in creating financial abundance through doing work which gives the soul happiness, whereas activating the third eye chakra helps to develop psychic intuitions. Healing the pains with mind power helps ease the mind as it facilitates perception of life beyond the material, external horizon.

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